Virtual and In Person Consults Available We can help you anywhere in australia
Virtual and In Person Consults Available We can help you anywhere in australia


Your legal journey begins here, this is what you can expect

It all starts with an initial consultation, where you’ll get to know us, and we’ll get to know you. From there, your tailored plan may involve negotiation, mediation, or, if necessary, Court proceedings. The goal is to reach agreements as efficiently as possible, without going to Court. Your dedicated family lawyer can make a significant difference in achieving a positive outcome and starting a new chapter in your life.


Book your free 15-minute phone call

Arrange a complimentary call with our experienced family lawyers to explore how we can assist you.


Initial consultation

Meet your experienced family lawyer in person, online or by telephone. Together, we’ll address your concerns and gain a deep understanding of your priorities. Your lawyer will explain how the family law system works, offering initial advice on expected outcomes. We’ll provide practical recommendations tailored to your current situation and discuss the next steps. We’ll openly discuss the potential costs involved. Please allow approximately 1 to 1.5 hours for your initial meeting. Before your meeting, we will invite you to use our free online tool, allowing you to gather relevant information in your own time. This way, you can make the most of your initial consultation, as we focus on providing advice and developing a tailored strategy, rather than gathering basic details.


Your unique plan

With all the relevant information and a thorough understanding of your priorities, together we will develop a personalised solution and determine the next steps. This tailored plan will provide you with reassurance, knowing that you have a clear path and timeline to resolve your family law matter. Our priority is to help you and your family move forward with your lives confidently and positively.


Implement strategy

With a clear strategy and plan in place, we will work with you to finalise your family law matter efficiently and cost-effectively. We understand that priorities can evolve, and we will adapt to those changes. Our commitment is to help you achieve your goals and equip you with the tools to plan for your future. Throughout the process, we will keep you informed and provide the support you need, ensuring you are empowered every step of the way.



With the successful implementation of our tailored strategy, your family law matter will be resolved. You and your family will have the freedom to forge ahead in life, without lingering concerns about your ex-partner and what they might do next. You can confidently move forward knowing you have achieved the best possible outcome. Embrace a future filled with certainty and the comfort of knowing that your concerns have been effectively and definitively addressed.

Schedule your 15-minute free consultation and take control of your matter today

Arrange your complimentary call with our experienced family lawyers to explore how we can assist you. Navigating with empathy and expertise, we listen, understand, and guide you towards a resolution.

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Ready to make a start? You’ve come to the right place. Our online systems allow you to get started anywhere, any time. We use Artificial Intelligence to give you information that is: